To drive a car, it is not necessary that you are actual owner of the car but you must make sure that the non-owned car is adequately covered to cover drivers who are not listed on the vehicle’s regular insurance policy. That is where the role of non owner auto insurance policies assumes tremendous significance. Such type of coverage provides complete financial protection against expenses that are likely to be incurred towards treatment of bodily injuries and property damages to drivers who are not owners of the vehicles which they are driving. Know more about non-owners’ car insurance online now!
With auto insurance for non car owners, drivers can enjoy total peace of mind even if they are driving borrowed or leased cars and meet with an accident with another driver(s) wherein they are at-fault. Apart from the fact that such car covers offer liability coverage for other persons’ bodily injuries and property damages, there are additional coverage options which you can think of buying to protect your finances in the event of an accident involving a borrowed or leased vehicle. Accidents can cause havocs and lead to grim financial situation. Hence, it is always desirable to buy the following features.
A typical non-car owner’s insurance policy will not have comprehensive-collision coverage features. You may have to purchase them separately. Otherwise damages caused to your car, medical bills or costs for treatment of your bodily injuries will not be covered in the event of an accident or collision.
Before you proceed to learn how to get non owner's car insurance coverage at a price which you can easily afford and sustain, it is vital that you understand as to when you should consider purchasing a policy of this type. There could be varied reasons that might prompt you to purchase such coverage. Some of them are as under:
The first step for learning how to get non owners car insurance coverage is to have some idea about what is all covered by such policies. All non-owner’s car insurance policies generally cover your state prescribed basic liability coverage which pays costs for treatment of bodily injuries caused to third party victims within specified limits resulting from an accident involving the vehicle that you are driving. Besides, expenses for repair of damages caused to other person’s property including his/her car will also be reimbursed by a non-owner’s auto insurance policy. But the policy will not cover the rented or leased vehicle if it were to get damaged during an accident.
With non-owner’s vehicle insurance, you can buy coverage limits as required by your state or even beyond that. If your state demands drivers to file form for SR-22 or FR-44 certification then it is likely that the amount of liability coverage which is to be purchased will also be specified. In any case, a standard non-owner’s car insurance policy will not offer the below mentioned types of coverage. You may have to buy them separately.
A typical non-owner’s vehicle insurance policy can work as a secondary coverage in the event of an accident with the primary coverage being the borrowed, leased or rented car’s insurance policy. You will have to check that out with the rental Car Company or the car’s actual owner prior to exploring your options.
Some non-owner’s car insurance providers do offer policies that also cover rental cars. Therefore, when you buy non-owner car insurance policy, it is vital that you ask your insurer whether rental vehicles are also covered. Normally, rental car companies have fleet insurance that provides basic liability coverage and doesn’t cover unlisted drivers.
Car insurance for non car owners could be much cheaper than a standard auto insurance cover. Our researches in the subject have indicated that non-owner vehicle insurance quotes cost around 5% to 15% less than traditional car covers. But it is important that you do extensive comparison shopping and compare quote estimates which provide similar levels of coverage. And if you are out to insure an expensive car then you could save significantly more especially when you compare non-owner’s car insurance quotes with a full coverage standard auto insurance policy. Nevertheless, you need to be aware that there are several factors that affect the premium pricing.
Accordingly, the overall cost of a non-owner’s vehicle insurance coverage will greatly vary depending on the below mentioned parameters.
In addition, if you are planning to purchase non-owner’s auto insurance cover for SR-22 filing then you will be charged substantially more since you are highly risky proposition to insure. Remember, you are going to drive a car that is owned by someone else or a rental company. The policy costs will be even more than what they would be if you are driving a vehicle which is owned by you. This is despite your having a good driving record. With bad driving slate, things could be worse. Hence, it is better that you consult a local expert for getting the right type of advice which can help you in making an informed decision on your purchase. can assist you in fixing free consultation with a competent agent online through a process that is easy, simple and hassle-free. To get started with your task, just complete a simple online form.
As mentioned earlier, non-owner’s car insurance policies tend to be much cheaper than standard car covers. But the actual costs of a policy of this kind could depend on different factors including which include your state and the type of insurer that you are working with. Here is some information about few prominent parameters which may most likely impact your non-owner’s vehicle insurance premium cost.
Andy Walker is a content writer for the AtoZ Insurance USA who specializes in the insurance and finance niches. He has been working as a freelance writer from several years, and has experience with a variety of content writing formats. Andy is a highly skilled writer who is able to produce quality content that is both informative and engaging.
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